Mediation and Relaxation Exercises and Techniques for Stress, Pain, Internal Energy Strikes, and Custom Requests


Meditation and relaxation exercises offer a variety of benefits, depending on the technique you are using. Most people do not know what it feels like to be relaxed. They are still tense and stressed even when they think they are relaxed. I remember my first time meditating and becoming completely relaxed and tranquil in my mind and body. It is an indescribable feeling, and the health benefits are too great to be listed here, but I will name a few types of people who would benefit from relaxation and meditation exercises; high blood pressure patients can be helped with mediation exercises and relaxation techniques, people in continuous pain can be helped with meditation exercises and relaxation techniques, athletes who must work on imagery and sensation can be helped with meditation exercises and relaxation techniques, martial artists learning internal energy strikes can be helped with meditation exercises and relaxation techniques, people with extra sensory skills who would like to be able to control their skills better can be helped with meditation exercises and relaxation techniques, people who suffer from nightmares can be helped with meditation exercises and relaxation techniques, pregnant women can be helped with meditation exercises and relaxation techniques, everyone who wants to enjoy a happier healthier life can benefit from meditation exercises and relaxation techniques.


Basic Relaxation Technique

Begin by taking a deep cleansing breath. Allow the stress to leave your body as you exhale. We will now consciously relax each one of your body parts separately starting with the tips of your toes.

Now relax from the tips of your toes to your ankles

Relax from your ankles to your knees

Relax from your knees up to your hips

Relax from your hips up to your stomach, and then chest

Relax from your chest up to your shoulders and all the way down your fingertips. Very relaxed.

Relax from your shoulders up to and around your neck, and the jaw muscles

Relax the muscles around your mouth, nose, and eyes.

Relax the muscles in your forehead.

And relax from the tip of your head, all the way down your spine.

Imagine a whole blanket of relaxation covering you.

When you are ready to awaken take a deep breath in, let it out slowly as you open your eyes.

Internal Energy Strike Basic Mediation Exercise 

You must follow state and federal laws if you use this technique. If you are under 18 years of age, you must have your parents permission before practicing internal energy strikes.

Begin by performing the basic relaxation exercise Continue

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Imagery Active Meditation will teach you how to use imagery to get what you want in life. Oh you still have to work for it, but would you rather have 10% of your brain working on your goals or 100%?

Begin by performing the basic relaxation exercise Continue

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Meditation for Pain Management

Even continuous pain can be controlled or stopped completely. Begin by performing the basic relaxation exercise Continue

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