Hawaii and World Personalized Fitness Programs and Weight Reduction Programs for Adults and Children

I can set up a fitness program for you or your loved ones to improve or maintain your fitness level and the quality of your life. If you have specific physical needs for a fitness program or are differently-abled, I can still set up a fitness program to meet your specific fitness and self-confidence needs .

I'm Sensei J. Richard Kirkham of Honolulu Hawaii, A duel certified teacher and author with a background in Exercise physiology, teaching, in-home tutoring, and martial arts.I am also an expert in movement education and behavioral modification.

If you are in Hawaii, I can make a home visit, interview you, do some simple fitness tests and set up a personal fitness program to meet your needs.

If you are not in Hawaii, I can setup a fitness program for you through email consultation, phone consultation, custom video tape or through a custom ebook.

Don't put this off. The longer you wait the worse everything is going to get. So leave me a message.

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